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Challenged to be Consistent but Showing Up Everyday

June 9, 2021  Min to Reads

I’m remain challenged every day to develop and maintain a consistent pattern of activity. Nevertheless, I continue to work on the project. Developing the processes, and the disciplines necessary to follow them, remain an aspiration. But, why? Because I believe that process and discipline are the key to achieving the results that I desire.

Take for example two of my primary goals: physical fitness and spiritual well-being. In both of these, my process and discipline are advancing. Every day begins between 3:30 and 4:00 am. Four to five days a week begin with a thirty to sixty minute workout. After cleaning up for the day, I strive to spend thirty minutes to an hour in prayer and bible study. I’m loosing weight and growing closer to the Lord. These processes and disciplines are helping me achieve my goals.

But now I find myself with the struggle of creating process and discipline for the rest of my day. I believe the answer is to continue to practice, find what works, and make it a discipline. Today, I’m practicing the discipline of a quick daily writing exercise. It may not always make for the best SEO copy, but it will develop the discipline of writing, which is another major goal. At 50, I’m still learning about myself, and one thing is becoming clear. I enjoy and excel at writing. So, I know that I should pursue it, make it a part of my daily routine, and let the process help me grow in new ways undiscovered.

I’m curious, what goals have you set for yourself? Are you able to establish processes and disciplines to help you achieve them? If so, tell me about them.

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