Formed From Dust | Our Purpose

[T]hen the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

Genesis 2:7

I previously wrote about how God made Adam, but it is also important to consider from what God made him. Knowing that God made Adam from the dust of the earth helps us to understand our purpose in life.

Our Origins: Not From Nothing

God made the earth from nothing, but He formed Adam from dust. Why is this important? You will remember that there was a mist over everything. As a result, the dust would be moist. So, the image is of a potter making a container out of clay. The potter brings his materials together on a table, and with care and skill, he begins to create. He takes a lump of moist earth and shapes it into something useful. One day, the container will break and fall into disuse. Eventually, it will disintegrate into dust. But while it is whole, it serves a purpose.

We are like this. Like Adam, God formed each of us. The Creator pulled his materials together and shaped us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:14). He did it with love and care. In doing so, He gave us a purpose. And because we too will one day return to dust (Gen 3:19), our duty is to fulfill that purpose.

Our Purpose: Not For Nothing

Romans 9:21 describes how the potter makes containers out of clay. As he does so, he shapes containers for different purposes. 

There is a container in my home designed to hold salad. It sits on the dinner table. There is also one designed to contain dog food. It sits on the floor. The containers didn’t choose their purpose. We did. One seems more important than the other, but they both serve a good purpose. They both provide nourishment. I’m glad for the salad bowl. It holds my food. I’m also happy for the dog food bowl. It contains food for my dog, which I love. I value both containers.

Likewise, we don’t choose our purpose. God does. He created us for a purpose. He even values that purpose. So, you don’t exist for no purpose, and your purpose is good. Ultimately, you glorify your Creator and find the most joy when you live out your purpose with contentment.

The summary is this: A loving Creator made you. He did so with skill and care. And He gave you purpose for your good and His glory. Go live for Him!

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