We Are Uniquely Created, So What?

then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

Genesis 2:7

There are two points to draw out in this verse. 

God formed the man of dust from the ground. 

This fact is significant for a couple of reasons. To begin with, God gets hands-on when he creates humanity. In all the other instances of creating things according to their kind, God speaks them into existence. His Word commands the creation of all things, but the creation of humanity is unique. This truth signifies to me that humankind is special to God. And there is no question about this; after all, He created us in His image. 

It is also significant that He made us from the dust of the ground. Knowing this reminds us of our mortality. One day, we will become dust again, at least in our human form. What becomes of our person and soul at that time should be a matter of concern to each of us. 

Some might say if we are from dust and will return to dust, what is there to be concerned about? We’ll be gone. That’s where the second point comes into play.

God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

No other creature has the life-giving breath of God within it, yet all creatures breathe. So, why would God form us this way? I think it gives us an inseparable link to Him. 

We are linked to creation by our dust-like nature. We are linked to God by the source of our breath and life. By sharing God’s image and breath, we share His eternal nature. So, when our bodies die and decay, our souls live on into eternity. It is foolish to not ask, into which eternal home will I move? It is a choice we make in this life. It is a choice with everlasting consequences.

I encourage you to choose Christ, whereby you chose His home as your eternal home.

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