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Do Your Most Important Work Today – Two Tips

June 10, 2021  Min to Reads

There are two thoughts circling around in my mind this morning that I want to share with you. They center on the question that we all ask ourselves. “What must I do to get the most value out of this day?” Well, maybe you don’t ask yourself this question, but it is the question that you ought to be asking yourself. When I slow down long enough to think about it, this is my desire for every day. I want to get the most out of it. I want to end the day with the sense that I made advances that matter. So, here are two things that make difference.

First, don’t let the tyranny of the urgent overtake your most important work. This is a very difficult principle to follow, but it is critical. People and events constantly seek to draw your attention, and they are most successful when they present the need as urgent. Granted, sometimes it is, and in those instances, you have no choice. You have to give your attention. But in most cases, the urgent can wait. It isn’t as important as your most important work. Until your most important work is done, do everything you can to lock yourself away and focus on it. Don’t open the door literally or figuratively until your done. By the way, if you don’t know what your most important work is, here is the definition.

Your most important work is the work that will make a real difference today in helping you achieve your highest aspiration.

Second, take time every day to read or consume the knowledge of others in some fashion. Past my daily devotional, my current daily consumption consists of Espresso from The Economist, listening to an audiobook or podcast on the way to the office, and reading selections from a book like “The Practice” by Seth Godin, or the “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. We need to eat food and drink liquids to survive. Likewise, we need to consume the knowledge of others to continue to grow and become better equipped to do meaningful work.

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