We must get over the mentality that making mistakes is bad. The only world in which making a mistake is a bad thing is the one in which we do it on purpose or we never learn from it and grow. So, go ahead, make a mistake, it’s OK.
Check that. It isn’t just OK to make mistakes. It is imperative to do so.
The novelist Joseph Conrad wrote, “It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.”
One of my favorite stolen phrases is “When you stop learning you start dying.” We could adapt that principle here and say, “When you stop making mistakes, you start dying.” Disagree? Well, think of it the way Conrad does. If you make no mistakes, it isn’t because you’re perfect. It is because you are doing nothing, and that is a path to death.
We must stop letting our fear of failure get in the way of action. We must embrace the idea that action creates forward motion even though it also results in errors and mistakes. Have the courage to act. Be brave enough to make a mistake.