If you are a leader or someone who works in a creative role, you cannot afford the doldrums. You must be inspired to be effective. So, it is your responsibility to seek inspiration. Sometimes inspiration spings up mysteriously from within. A random thought comes to mind, and we launch down a creative path previously unknown
I am attempting to write a blog post every day on one of the three sites that I manage. (www.rssdmg.com, www.rssts.com, and markjpeterson.com). To achieve that goal, I’ll have to stay inspired. So, how do you stay inspired enough to keep producing content? I’m going to share some of my ideas, my tips for staying
I think it is time for those of us who make presentations as part of our routine work to change the way we think about them, their purpose, and the role of the audience to whom we present. My thoughts are inspired by chapter two of “Communicating to Influence: How to Inspire Your Audience to