Note to self – You know what it is…the right thing. You really don’t have to get someone else’s opinion or spend a lot of time thinking about it. You know what the right thing to do is, so do it. There are so many reasons why we hesitate to do the right thing, but

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If you are a leader or someone who works in a creative role, you cannot afford the doldrums. You must be inspired to be effective. So, it is your responsibility to seek inspiration. Sometimes inspiration spings up mysteriously from within. A random thought comes to mind, and we launch down a creative path previously unknown

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One of the things I love about reading good history, especially Presidential biographies, is that the exercise helps me gain a clearer perspective on the world today. The Accidental President by A. J. Baime accomplished that task nicely. We make so much of F.D.R., but we rarely remember the man whose leadership so profoundly shaped

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When you think about leadership, do you think about generosity? Probably not. When you think about leadership, do you think about changing the lives of others? I hope so! But what many leaders don’t realize is that for leadership to change people’s lives, it must be generous. So, what does it mean to say life-changing

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I know you don’t want to destroy your team, but you may be doing just that. Many leaders, either by failing to act or acting unwisely, make it impossible for their teams to succeed. Here are a few of the most common mistakes leaders make while managing a team. Don’t give clear objectives to the

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