Julie Long, a senior developer at a software company, was identified by her manager as a high performer. When she was asked to coordinate a team of three junior developers on a project, Julie was excited about the opportunity to finally move into a management role. However she quickly became frustrated. Things that were simple

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Success is as much or more about the courage to take risks as it is about having the knowledge or skill to do the work. Todd Henry is one of those day-to-day mentors that teaches me through his blogs, books, and podcasts. His work shapes my leadership and growth. Enjoy this article on Bravery. “People

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Sean Smith writes about 3 Productivity Hacks for Building the Ultimate Remote Teams. I’ll have to spend more time with the article myself to adapt it to my own workplace, but Sean shares some very helpful tips and reveals some best practices that your remote team may find helpful. The tips hinge on three principles:

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The other day I was reading an article positing the idea that in order for teams to be successfully creative they must be adaptable and in turn, in order to be have adaptable teams, organizations must be flatter in their managerial structure. This led me to ask the question, what else must be true about

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Considering the phrase “know when to let go to the right people” appeared to me today in an article that I was reading in Inc. Magazine. Now, it has me asking the logical questions: How do I identify the right people and how do I let things go to them? The first question is more

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