What do your emails say about you? What image does your resume convey to others? Are hiring managers overlooking you? Are coworkers and organizational leaders paying attention to you or dismissing you? You may not realize it, but your bad writing habits may be costing you money and opportunity. Your writing stinks. Do you want

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Have you ever been so frustrated about not getting something you thought you deserved, that you blurted out, “But, I earned it!” That’s the experience of many individuals who have sought a promotion and been passed over. The frustration is real but unnecessary. It’s caused by an entitlement mindset that just doesn’t fit in the

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When I was a little boy I played basketball at the Boys Club. I didn’t really understand the sport other than the basics. So, when our clever coach called the team to the sidelines near the end of the game to give us some strategy coaching, something funny happened. It seems the other team’s best

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What does it take to get promoted? This is a question that I’ve asked often in my career and that others have asked me many times. There are some people out there who are content in their current role and therefore do not seek promotions, but I believe those people are few in number. In

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