As I sit here this morning without the fortune of a preplanned topic, I’m forced to ask myself, “Why should I create content? Why should I write something daily? What value is there in this discipline? The answer isn’t what you might expect, especially from a marketer. SEO and Selling are secondary reasons for creating

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Yesterday I faced the responsibility of starting to look for a new administrative assistant for my department at work. The individual that I need to replace has a great opportunity to move on to another journey in her career and actually received a promotion in the process. I am very happy for her. I’m new

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The idea of strategic thinking is currently very popular in leadership literature and conversations. Harvard Business Review dedicates a significant amount of print and on-line space to the topic of strategy. A search on Google for the phrase “Strategic Thinking” returns 18,700,000 results. It has become a catch phrase used to differentiate leaders from managers.

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I am currently a part of a team of individuals that is collaborating around the idea of Strategic Thinking. We are seeking to better understand the nature of Strategic Thinking and integrate this type of thinking into our work and lives. As we began to discuss our ideas around this topic a couple of different

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