We must get over the mentality that making mistakes is bad. The only world in which making a mistake is a bad thing is the one in which we do it on purpose or we never learn from it and grow. So, go ahead, make a mistake, it’s OK. Check that. It isn’t just OK

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Rest is a critical part of life. We all need it, and we need a sufficient amount of it. But idleness is an evil that destroys. Don’t be idle today! If you have aspirations, and you should, then a lazy attitude will get in the way of those aspirations. If you have a problem and

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I am currently training for the century ride of Bike to Beat Cancer 2022 in support of the Norton Cancer Institute in Louisville, KY. Today was an endurance ride, and I cranked out 48 miles. I believe that health and spirituality both contribute a great deal to our productivity and success in business. So, a

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In some areas of my life, I am adventurous, but I’m less than excited about trying something new in most areas. How about you? Are you willing to try something new today? I want to encourage us to be more adventurous and try new things. The benefits are numerous. Find something new to enjoy Grow

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When you think about leadership, do you think about generosity? Probably not. When you think about leadership, do you think about changing the lives of others? I hope so! But what many leaders don’t realize is that for leadership to change people’s lives, it must be generous. So, what does it mean to say life-changing

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