As I sit here this morning without the fortune of a preplanned topic, I’m forced to ask myself, “Why should I create content? Why should I write something daily? What value is there in this discipline? The answer isn’t what you might expect, especially from a marketer. SEO and Selling are secondary reasons for creating

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I am attempting to write a blog post every day on one of the three sites that I manage. (,, and To achieve that goal, I’ll have to stay inspired. So, how do you stay inspired enough to keep producing content? I’m going to share some of my ideas, my tips for staying

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What do your emails say about you? What image does your resume convey to others? Are hiring managers overlooking you? Are coworkers and organizational leaders paying attention to you or dismissing you? You may not realize it, but your bad writing habits may be costing you money and opportunity. Your writing stinks. Do you want

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Have you ever stopped and wondered, Do I use affect or effect? Do I sympathize or empathize with the person? What’s the possessive of it, Its or It’s? The English language is full of grammatical quandaries like this, and the choices you make can sometimes impact the perceptions of others concerning your literacy and intelligence.

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