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People Pleasers Lose! Are you a loser?

February 11, 2022  Min to Reads

Are you a loser? Do your business efforts fall flat no matter what you do to make your product or service appealing to people? Well, it’s probably your fault if you’re trying to make them appealing to everyone. Because people-pleasers lose.

People Pleasers Lose

Don’t believe me? Find a successful product or business that doesn’t have haters. The more successful a product is, the more likely it is to have lots of people who don’t like it, won’t use it, and are very outspoken about why.

I love the Lord of the Rings movies, and I know for a fact that I’m not alone. But, my children and wife want nothing to do with them. Their faces have a very distinct look whenever I suggest we watch one. Their words declare their extreme objection to the very thought.

Here’s a thought on which to chew. The more universally acceptable something is the, less likely it is that such a product or service will be a successful business bet. It just doesn’t work that way.

In his book, “The Practice,” Seth Godin writes, “you don’t create a hit by trying to please everyone.”

So, people-pleasers lose in business because they fail to risk only pleasing some. They fail to create fans who are willing to be loyal enough to the product or brand that they’ll tell others they’re crazy for not likely it. That’s what I tell my wife and kids. “What, you don’t like the Hobbit? You’re nuts. What’s wrong with you.”

So, whether you are trying to sell a product, service, or brand, quit trying to make it so bland that no one will hate it. Because if you succeed in that goal, then no one is likely to love it either.l

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  1. Striving to make others happy often stems from a deep sense of empathy and kindness. I remember a time in college when I volunteered to help a classmate with their project. While some saw it as me sacrificing my own time, I saw it as an opportunity to build a meaningful connection and enhance my collaborative skills. In the end, that act of kindness led to a lasting friendship and a deeper understanding of teamwork. People pleasers may sometimes struggle with setting boundaries, but their intentions are rooted in a desire to create harmonious relationships, which is far from being a "loser."

    1. Hi, Ruben

      I love your comment, and I think you are right. Often people who seek to please others do have great intentions and even though they may get taken advantage of that doesn’t make them losers or bad people. I do think it is a bad business approach to try to “please” every person with your product or service. When we do that we tend to miss everyone. Our product just isn’t that interesting or valuable at that point. But that’s a different kind of people pleasing than I think you’re considering.


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