I understand. This is a tired topic, and I’ve not written on it for that reason. But in my reading this morning, a new and better reason for limiting virtual work presented itself. Limit Virtual Work, Don’t End It But first, some virtual work is good, especially for thought leaders and creatives. Some activities go
We must get over the mentality that making mistakes is bad. The only world in which making a mistake is a bad thing is the one in which we do it on purpose or we never learn from it and grow. So, go ahead, make a mistake, it’s OK. Check that. It isn’t just OK
If you are a leader or someone who works in a creative role, you cannot afford the doldrums. You must be inspired to be effective. So, it is your responsibility to seek inspiration. Sometimes inspiration spings up mysteriously from within. A random thought comes to mind, and we launch down a creative path previously unknown
You love your product. You think it is the best thing around. The question is, do your customers love your product? Too many creators and entrepreneurs make a fatal mistake in their reasoning. They believe that if they love what they’ve created, then everyone else will too. That may or may not be accurate. But
Lately, I feel like I’m writing to myself. Today is a good case in point. I’m the one with the excuses. I’m the one who has a hundred reasons for not doing the things that I say are important to me. So, I’m the one who needs to hear the firm command, “Enough with the
How many times have I been robbed by a thief called confidence? How often has my lack of confidence kept me from doing something I really wanted to do? I can’t even begin to imagine the number. But I do know that much of my discontent and disillusionment is fueled by the opportunities stolen from