In business, we need to avoid the trap of contentment. In many other areas of life, learning to be content is highly recommended, but not in business. Here we must constantly want to be and do better. If we get to the place where we feel like everything is just right and we are satisfied,
In business aiming for a big splash vs. a lasting impact makes all the difference in whether your business grows and is successful. Often we opt for the big splash when a lasting impact is the right choice. Imagine that you want to displace all the water out of a pond, and your only options
My thoughts today center on the creative management of business finances. I am very interested in the topic of creativity. I particularly enjoy the topic of building and running a business. So, as much as I think about the product, I also think about the business. I strive to learn, develop, and adopt disciplines for
When I started my leadership journey, I made the mistake of thinking leadership was about getting results through others. I believed it was about motivating people to work hard. I believed it was about having good processes and strategies that “my people” would follow. I was wrong. There is just one thing about leadership every