One of the most crippling things for any business is leaders who fail to take ownership of their work. Their failure bogs the company down in indecision and wasted time in meetings. The purpose of too many meetings is to help managers get consensus or permission to do things that they should have already decided

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I have a goal to read a biography about every President of the United States. People ask me why I want to do such a thing. They wonder what value such an effort will bring. Some have suggested that there are certain Presidents I shouldn’t waste my time on. They may be right, and I

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Despite what the leadership gurus say, leadership isn’t always about taking action. Often, leadership is about patience. Great leaders are patient. I’ve learned this lesson through much trial and frustration. Don’t follow my path, learn from experience. Be Patient. Action Doesn’t Always Solve Problems The fact that action doesn’t always solve problems still seems counter-intuitive

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Have you ever doubted the leaders around you? Have you ever looked at your boss and thought, “you don’t get it, how can you not see what I see?” If you are like most people, you often wonder why your leader is so slow to do things that seem so obvious to you. Great leaders understand that

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