If you run a business, you know how complex it can be and how tempting it is to say yes to every potential customer. You’ll say yes, even if that means customizing how you do things just for them. After all, they represent more revenue. You would be crazy to turn them away. So, the
In business, we need to avoid the trap of contentment. In many other areas of life, learning to be content is highly recommended, but not in business. Here we must constantly want to be and do better. If we get to the place where we feel like everything is just right and we are satisfied,
Rest is a critical part of life. We all need it, and we need a sufficient amount of it. But idleness is an evil that destroys. Don’t be idle today! If you have aspirations, and you should, then a lazy attitude will get in the way of those aspirations. If you have a problem and
In some areas of my life, I am adventurous, but I’m less than excited about trying something new in most areas. How about you? Are you willing to try something new today? I want to encourage us to be more adventurous and try new things. The benefits are numerous. Find something new to enjoy Grow
It might sound extreme to say that you should work on your business every day, but if you own a business, especially a new one, it needs your constant attention. Even if on some days the attention is a moment here or there, that attention is vital. A business ignored is a dying business. So,
You love your product. You think it is the best thing around. The question is, do your customers love your product? Too many creators and entrepreneurs make a fatal mistake in their reasoning. They believe that if they love what they’ve created, then everyone else will too. That may or may not be accurate. But