I know you don’t want to destroy your team, but you may be doing just that. Many leaders, either by failing to act or acting unwisely, make it impossible for their teams to succeed. Here are a few of the most common mistakes leaders make while managing a team. Don’t give clear objectives to the

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One of the most crippling things for any business is leaders who fail to take ownership of their work. Their failure bogs the company down in indecision and wasted time in meetings. The purpose of too many meetings is to help managers get consensus or permission to do things that they should have already decided

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You are a busy manager. You have an opening in your organization. Can you feel the temptation to hire the first person that comes along? I can! Who has time to slog through dozens of resumes and conduct multiple interviews? You may think you don’t have the time, but you must make the time. When

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Julie Long, a senior developer at a software company, was identified by her manager as a high performer. When she was asked to coordinate a team of three junior developers on a project, Julie was excited about the opportunity to finally move into a management role. However she quickly became frustrated. Things that were simple

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